Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Stories from The River's Edge

Sunday, November 11th, The River's Edge will celebrate our first two years of ministry! God has taken a dream and a prayer and turned it into a vibrant light shining into the hearts of many lives in North Central Iowa! Help us to celebrate what God has done by sharing your story here! Click on the "comment" button below this post, and share one of your favorite River's Edge stories or memories. Share something that God has done in your life or taught you. Give God glory for how He's made an impact in changing your life! Thanks!


Lyle & Marli Erickson said...

Hello from Rapid City. A year ago today Lyle and I were cooking massive amounts of food to celebrate River's Edge's 1st anniversary. Now we can only marvel at your 2nd anniversary from 700 miles away.

River's Edge gave us the phrase "God is Large and in Charge". In a community where God is only allowed 1 hour a week, River's Edge reverses the tradition and allows God to be present 24/7.

River's Edge gave us the courage to step off a cliff without knowin g how far the fall would be. Our human side thought we would be killed, but God brought us to an old land with a new larger prespective. Love, Lyle & Marli

Pastor Carlton said...

Thank you, Lyle and Marli, for trusting God and discovering that, "YES, He IS GOOD, and FAITHFUL, even in the middle of our fears!"