Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The most amazing verse in the Bible!?

We're in the middle of this sermon series, "The God Questions". After last Sunday's service where we talked about "Why does God allow suffering", my friend, Jay, showed me a very sweet passage in the Bible - and I just read it again this morning. It's in Job 1:20. Job just went through perhaps worse loss and pain and suffering than most of us will ever experience in all of our lives. He's just been told that his entire business that he's built for years has been destroyed, all of his servants and even all of his children have been killed! Unbelievable! Job's immediate response in 1:20 is to do the usual things that people in that day did when they were in mourning, he tore his robe and shaved his head, but then "he fell to the ground in worship." And to paraphrase, what he said to God and anyone else who was listening was, "I didn't have anything when I came into this world, I won't have anything when I leave this world. But the centerpiece of my life is, has been, and will always be, the Lord and His love - so God, I give You praise!"

What an amazing focus on God! That focus gave Him amazing success in life, and amazing strength in the most unbelievable suffering.

I want my life to reflect that same focus and god-given strength.

1 comment:

joan wester anderson said...

Loved your discussion on miracles. I wanted you to know about my website, devoted to angels (who appear in Scripture over 300 times). I send a "miracle" story (true) our every other weekend and many clergypersons have told me they use the stories in their homilies. Feel free to do this.